Map of North London Clue #1
The map is used after solving the four main puzzles (Victoria Terminal, The Widow's Enigma, The Grand London Ball, The Apothecary). The map allows you to figure out which quadrant to move to next, once the puzzles provide a direction and a distance.
First look at the key in the top right. Are there any of Reager's gifts from Part I that look like they could be useful?
Map of North London Clue #2
If you look at the watch, bookmark, and map together you will notice several things. The watch is the exact diameter of the circles on the map. The ship steering wheel on the bookmark is also the same diameter, and the hash marks on the steering wheel also match perfectly with those on the watch.
Map of North London Clue #3
The watch translates the direction number into a direction on the map. Each hash mark = 1 (this can be determined from the directional key on the map, which tells you N=0 and S=12). The bookmark translates the distance number to a distance on the map.
Map of North London Solution
As you solve each puzzle, you will move through London. For instance, if you were to move direction = 6, and distance = 253 from Victoria Terminal, you would end up at coordinates (3, 4). (This is just theoretical. For the real hints and solutions to the Victoria Terminal Puzzle, go back to the main companion guide.)